Author Archives: withlovesmall

To 29

Since October 17, 1983 the earth has made 29 trips around the sun. I was recently informed that Saturn has taken 29 years to complete one single solitary orbit around our celebrated celestial star. In the last year, some whopping 525,600 minutes have passed. I have been seated shoulder to shoulder with approximately 494 strangers on public transit. I sang along with Carly Rae on the radio at least 35 times. I sang along with Cookie Monster on YouTube at least 53 times.

Today I turn 29. These 29 years have had some momentous moments, but looking back, I’d have to say that the past year alone has proven one of the most memorable:

I began seriously considering and making plans to continue my education
I volunteered for the first time
I learned how to knit
I hosted many out of state visitors
I attended amazing concerts
I discovered amazing new bands
I fell out of touch with old friends
I deepened existing friendships
I made new friends
I had my heart broken
I was taken in by another family at Thanksgiving
I celebrated holidays on the east coast and established new traditions
I re-kindled my yoga practice
I let my running habit wane
I picked my running habit back up
I let my running habit wane again
I spent money
I saved money
I traveled overseas
I participated in the world’s largest food fight
I made international friends
I finally fell in love with living in San Francisco
I finally worked up the courage to commute by bike in San Francisco
I was single for the first time in my adult life
I went on my first real first date
I ate a ton of good food
I drank a ton of good wine
I dispensed advice (as honestly as I could)
I received advice (of much better quality than I dispensed)
I read many more books than I have in past years
I blogged a little
I Instagrammed a lot
I consciously attempted to make and capture as many memories as possible
I danced
I cried
I laughed
I learned
I hugged
I lived

Here’s to you, 29 – you’ve been truly life-changing and I will always think of you fondly. Now let’s have another spin around the sun and another set of adventures!

with love, small


Posted by on 16.Oct.2012 in Uncategorized


Spainward Bound

Today I leave for another country. Another culture. To hang out with mothers and babies, friends and dads and pets, buildings and landscapes that are worlds different than me, yet also the same. We will share meals, we will share wine. We will share our respective histories and stories over stunted conversation, language barrier in full effect. But the gestures and intonations will convey our meaning. The universal language of the human experience doesn’t understand the meaning of barriers. Barriers do not translate when it comes to life, love, joy. Today I leave in order to not just see a different part of our beautiful blue earth, but to see it through the eyes of another culture and gain just a little more insight into what this wonderful life is all about. 


With love, small

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Posted by on 25.Aug.2012 in Uncategorized


Three Little Things

Three Things


A friend recently put me on the spot by asking me quick-fire style what were my three favorite things … readygo!


I was not ready. My mind raced. My three favorite things? Ever? Of all time? Sure, I could come up with three things I love on the spot, but would they be my absolute, hands-down favorites? This question required some further thought and introspection in order to provide an honest and accurate response. So, here you go world, a few of my favorite things (and yes, brown paper packages made the cut – in a way).


1. My Dad


Calm. Loving. Wise. For these three reasons and a myriad more, my dad is my best friend. He is there for me through ups and downs, always willing to lend an ear and dispense advice. I can literally tell him anything and vice versa, breaking the typical boundaries of the parent-child relationship (of course, this is a more recent development now that I’m an “adult child”). He is well known and loved in his community. He is talented in so many areas, particularly in the artistic realm. He is not afraid to try new things, to seek out adventure. What I find really interesting is that we share many of the same values. You’re thinking, duh, he’s your dad, of course you do. But, as a child of parents who divorced when I was five, and having been primarily raised by my mom, I’d say we didn’t actually spend that much time together during my formative years (in fact, I often wonder how I might be different had our time together been increased). We’ve realized throughout the years that we’re alike in more ways than we can probably count, and these similarities in world-view, philosophy and how our brains work allow us to collaborate, to reach new insights together, to continually inspire one another.


2. Real Food


Think of a tiny little tomato seed (so much potential!) tucked lovingly into a bed of lush, nutrient-rich soil. The seed sprouts, it’s tender green leaves reaching for the sun, the further it reaches the more it is energized and determined to keep climbing. Through the entirely natural, wonderful, and mysterious ways of our universe, along with the nurturing hand of someone who has faith in the process, who is kind, patient and caring, the seed, with its stems now full of leaves, produces the most beautiful tomato you have ever seen. Full, glistening in the sun, soft and supple, smelling of earth and tangy-sweet fruit. You taste, and it is mind-blowing, life-altering delicious. That such a delicate, mysterious process could produce such wonders – and that our bodies are nourished by and even require this natural bounty – continues to fascinate and amaze me. This is why I love real food.


3. Simplicity


Ok, this choice is a bit of a stretch, as I can lump many other items into this one. But it’s true – I love simple. I love mornings, when the world is quiet and hasn’t yet evolved into it’s daily hustle and bustle. I love nature, the ocean, the country – places in the world where the earth is in control and man’s hand has not stepped in to mess with mother nature’s plans. I enjoy life best when it is uncomplicated, when plans are carefree. I prefer solids to stripes. I don’t need fancy “things”. The fewer ingredients in my food, the better. I find that the more simple things are, the more I am free to focus on what’s really important to me – like brown paper packages tied up with string (the ultimate in simple wrapping).


There you have it, the three things that fuel me and keep me most happy. What are your three favorite things? 


Posted by on 05.Jun.2012 in Uncategorized



It’s important to find a home. I’m not referring to a domicile here, but a larger area – a city or region perhaps – somewhere in this great big world of ours that resonates with you. A place where the air, the light, smells and sounds, the energy just feels…right. Like, somehow just the place alone manages to fill you with inspiration each and every day. It’s not a sensation you can easily describe or exactly put your finger on but when you experience it you just know. And when you’re away from it, you miss it deep down to your bones. Do you know the feeling I’m talking about? Do you have a home?


It took me moving away from my home to realize that’s what it was and understand why it’s so vital to find it.


I grew up in Oregon – moved there from Washington state when I was still learning to toddle and stayed through college and a few years beyond. Until almost two years ago, I had always felt this urge to move elsewhere – no real reason why other than to experience something different. I guess secretly I was hoping to find my place in the world – up to that point, I had felt a bit lost, like something was missing. So, I packed my bags and headed south from Portland, Oregon to San Francisco, California.


The cities are comparable in their overall vibe – in general the residents hold similar beliefs, the basic way of life is laid back and informal overall. There are many unique and amazing things about the bay area, from the artistic and entrepreneurial spirit to the natural landscape and surroundings. I do so love the light here – there’s just something magical, soft, and permeating about it. The residents – mostly imports like me – are a friendly lot, helpful and eager to lend an ear or dispense advice. There is a bounty of beautiful food available all year round. Yet despite all of these remarkable attributes, I simply don’t feel at home. At the end of the day, my soul doesn’t feel moved. I don’t feel that spark of life day in and day out that provides a sustained and overflowing sense of comfort and happiness. I’m baffled as to why I’m left lacking, but…I am.


Over the course of the past two years, I’ve made several trips back to the Pacific Northwest. Each and every one of those journeys has helped to solidify the fact that for me, Oregon is home. I take off in SFO and as the plane makes its descent into PDX, I peer out the portal window and immediately feel the tears flow as I let my emotions overtake me – my heart fills with joy at the sight of the green trees, the wide river, the mountains, the city skyline. I’m not outside yet but I can feel the chill of the air, I can smell the rain. It feels alive – I feel alive. The beauty of air travel in this situation is that in the span of two hours, I am transported from my current residence to my former state, providing a unique opportunity to compare and contrast the two areas and how I feel in and about each. Every time it’s inspiration in Oregon.


Maybe this concept of home isn’t important to everyone. I’m sure there are some who don’t even give it a passing thought. But I was talking with a friend recently who said she had never felt that sense of place and that she was envious of those who had. I’m not currently residing in my home, but I am comforted knowing that I have finally discovered where home is for me. I’m the type of person who is deeply impacted by her surroundings, so I think I would feel lost if I went my entire life not having a place that provides me comfort, hope, and inspiration. I left Oregon to find that place…and I did – it’s right where I left it.


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Posted by on 20.May.2012 in Uncategorized


In the Fall

Lattes with honey

Best friends, old and new



Wise words


New music


Not to mention bubble baths


And cinnamon

Cozy sweaters

Crunchy leaves

Twinkly lights

Limitless potential

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Posted by on 18.Nov.2011 in Uncategorized


*Chirp Chirp*

Oh, hello crickets! Nice to see you!

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Posted by on 18.Nov.2011 in Uncategorized


Week of May 4, 2011

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): If given the choice between having our lives change or keeping our lives the same, many of us would choose the status quo. We tend to feel that even if the current state of things is uncomfortable, it’s still preferable to having to deal with the uncertainty and fear that come from transformation. But I don’t think you fit this description right now, Libra. Of all the signs of the zodiac, you’re the one that’s most receptive to shifting the mood and experimenting with the rules. It’s easier than usual for you to imagine different ways of doing things. Take advantage of this superpower.


Posted by on 03.May.2011 in Uncategorized



Step 1: Wonder at something. Step 2: Invite others to wonder with you.


Posted by on 13.Apr.2011 in Uncategorized


Eat Your Colors

I have been so addicted lately to this amazingly colorful broccoli/cabbage/carrot slaw with a spicy almond-soy sauce dressing.  I use it in wraps or mixed with brown or wild rice or quinoa.  Or I just shove it in my mouth by the chopstickful (that’s a word, right?).  It’s great cold, or at room temp, or heated.  Sometimes I swap out the shredded broccoli stems for actual broccoli florets.  Anyhow, I hope you make some and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Shred up some red cabbage and carrots in your food processor (or, this is great practice for your knife skills…or fine, you could use a box grater).  Also, broccoli stems!  Did you know they are edible?  It’s true!  Chop off the florets and save for another time, snap off any loose leaves and little branches, cut off the ragged end, and then use a vegetable peeler to shave off the tough outer layer.  You can use the tender insides in a myriad of ways – dice it up and toss it in a stir-fry, cut into chunks and serve as crudités with dip, or shred it up for this beautiful slaw!

Use a whisk to bring together some almond butter, lemon or lime juice, soy sauce and sriracha.  How much of each?  I don’t know, it’s totally to your liking!  I generally end up with about 2 cups of grated veggie goodness, and for that amount I whip together about ½ Tablespoon almond butter, the juice of half a lemon, and 1-2 teaspoons each of soy sauce and sriracha.  You can thin it out with a little splash of water if you prefer your dressing runnier, or add more almond butter if you want a thicker, creamier dressing.  It’s totally up to you!  Don’t have almond butter?  Use peanut butter!  Or tahini!  Yum!

Go!  Have fun!  Play with your food!


Posted by on 01.Apr.2011 in Uncategorized


Growing Home

Inspired by recent emails between some lovely friends about interior design, I realized it was about time I spruce up my little space here in the city. I spent several hours yesterday hanging lights, posters and creating decorations that reflect my organic and minimalist design style. I’m a huge recycler/reuser, so the style elements in my living spaces generally tend to reflect that.

It takes me a while to settle into a new place before I really make it my own. Sure, I set out my more meaningful knick knacks, and the furniture reflects my style. But as time goes by, I’m continually assessing the space, thinking about what will fit where, what the vibe of each room is, what spaces look bare and need a little something. And then one day, creativity strikes and I totally and completely lose myself in building and transforming the landscape around me. After the wave of activity passes, I stand back and survey my renewed surroundings and it’s as if fresh life has been injected. The space feels more alive somehow. I’ve poured my love and energy into the décor, and it shines back at me, filling me with inspiration and a sense of self.

I love this process – observation, invention, action, evaluation. As former roommates can attest, I never really stop doing it. At least once a week I find some little thing I want to tweak in my kitchen or bathroom or living room – these pots make way more sense living in this cupboard! And once in a while I get hit with a huge dose of inspiration and undertake a major overhaul.

As I put away the tacks and scissors and was checking out the work I had done yesterday, I realized that not only do I go through this process with my living space, but also with my self. Like my living space, I too am a work in progress. I am regularly considering various aspects of myself – my thoughts, actions, beliefs, relationships, and so on. And now that I think about it, I realize I pretty much utilize the same process as I do when decorating – observation, invention, action, evaluation, repeat. I believe there is value in consciously assessing where you’re at mentally, emotionally and physically. Making small tweaks to how you think about yourself and interact with the world around you. Pouring your heart and soul into mindful efforts of change, and then observing the results of all your hard work. And when you see the positive payoff come back to you, in whatever form – a new friend, a smile from a stranger, money saved, a few pounds shed, a sense of accomplishment – it infuses you with a renewed confidence and inspires you to keep it up, to continue the process, because you know you can only grow from here.

All this from hanging a few strands of lights… Who knew interior design could be so illuminating?

with love, small


Posted by on 22.Feb.2011 in Uncategorized